Other studies have linked B12 deficiency with pernicious anemia, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. 其它研究已经把维生素B12缺乏与恶性贫血,心血管疾病,癌症和神经再生紊乱联系起来了。
Double face effect interlock "Autoimmune diseases arise when these mechanisms fail and lymphocytes destroy host tissues; examples include type 1 diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, pernicious anemia, and rheumatoid arthritis." 双罗纹型双面效应组织自体免疫疾病发生于这些机制失效而淋巴球摧毁宿主组织时,例子包括仰赖胰岛素的糖尿
Another association with gastritis is pernicious anemia. 恶性贫血是胃炎的另一症状。
Pernicious anemia in human is due to failure of absorption of vitamin B12. 人的恶性贫血是由于不能吸收维生素B12的结果。
A B vitamin that is used to treat pernicious anemia. 一种用来治疗恶性贫血病b>的b>b类维生素。
Pernicious anemia in which the various formed elements in the blood are changed. 一种恶性贫血血液中各种成分发生变化。
A test for intrinsic factor antibodies ( Ab) is designed to aid the diagnosis of pernicious anemia. 一种检测内因子抗体的实验方法被设计用于帮助诊断恶性贫血。
This hypersegmented neutrophil is present along with macro-ovalocytes in a case of pernicious anemia. 恶性贫血,有巨卵形红细胞、多叶核嗜中性粒细胞。
Other autoimmune diseases such as Addison's disease or pernicious anemia may also be present. 其它如Addison病或恶性贫血等自身免疫疾病也可能出现。
Persistent gastritis can be a symptom of a gastric ulcer or pernicious anemia or stomach cancer or other disorders. 持续性胃炎;可能是胃溃疡,恶性贫血,胃癌或其他失调的症状。
Patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis may also have other autoimmune conditions including Grave's disease, SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, pernicious anemia, and Sjogren's syndrome. 病人患有桥本甲状腺炎,也可能患有其它自身免疫疾病,如Graves病、系统性红斑狼疮、类风湿性关节炎,恶性贫血症,以及口眼干燥综合症。
Rarest Coincidence in the History of Science and Technology: Treatment of Pernicious Anemia by Uncooked Bovine Liver 科技史上罕见的巧合&用生牛肝治愈恶性贫血而获诺贝尔奖的故事
Conclusion Pernicious anemia and chronic DIC process are found in patients with cardiac cancer. 结论贲门癌患者存在恶性贫血倾向及慢性DIC发展过程。